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Women Health : When women's health refers to the well being of any female besides being healthy physically. In fact the ayurvedic definition of health i.e. physical, mental and spiritual well being holds true for females.
Herbs for Treating Menstrual Problems
Asafetida increases the secretion of progesterone, the female hormone, facilitating smooth menstruation. It should be fried in ghee and mixed with goat’s milk and a spoonful of honey. Having this mixture for about a month reduces pain during menses.
Henna has a very cooling effect. The suppositories of its leaves are placed in the vagina of the women who have problem of excessive flow during menstruation.
Ginger is very effective for cold climates. The lower temperatures often cause painful and irregular menses. Ginger is infused with sugar and this preparation is administered to the women experiencing difficult menstruation.
Aloe Vera is known to be a good stimulant of uterus. As such, it is often administered to the women experiencing painful menstruation.
Valerian or Valeriana Wallichii is used for stimulation of menstrual blood flow apart from being used for treating many other diseases.
If a woman experiences congestive pain during her menstrual cycle, she can get relief by taking castor oil before her periods are due.
Many women suffer due to heavy menstruation. They can take ashwagandha tonic for reducing heavy flow during menstruation.
Ayurvedic Tips for Breast Enlargement
Breasts consist of fat globules and fibrous tissues with no muscular tissues. Pectoral muscles keep them firmly held between the rib cage. If your muscles are in good shape then you will have good cleavage and lift.
There are various herbs in ayurveda that promotes the breast enlargement and make these proportionate to your body.
• Massage your breast with Til or sesame oil that is made from the sesame seeds. Sesame oil is rich in calcium, iron, phosphorous and protein. It can also be included in daily diet. You can also massage your breast with proper ayurvedic cream. This will result in more softer and supple breasts. You can massage your breast twice a day to get better result. It is slow but safe method. While massaging do not apply too much pressure as this can harm you more than giving benefits. Better to hire the services of professional breast masseurs.
• Eat food such as chicken head soup and carrot that are rich in estrogen. This will help you to have natural breast enlargement.
• Eat maximum green vegetables and home cooked food
• Drink lots of water • Eat maximum green vegetables and home cooked food
Home Remedies for Natural Breast Enlargement
• Fenugreek is an herbs that is associated with breast enlargement. It can also be taken to increase the amount of milk in lactating mother. The chemical constituent in fenugreek stimulate the breast enlarging harmones leading to size growth.
• Lady's mantle (Botanical neme: Alchemilla vulgaris is a highly effective herb for breast enlargement. Consumption of Lady's mantle increases the blood circulation in local tissues through its astringent properties. With this the fat deposits increases. This in turn results in the enlargement of breast. Also the sagging or breast is greatly reduced leading to very attractive and proportionate breasts.
• Radish has astringent properties that enhances the blood supply to the local tissue. Its intake leads to the balanced distribution of fat in the body
• Consume fennel seeds as these act like estrogen dose in the body. These are also given to the breastfeeding mother in increase the amount of milk. Also fennel helps in regularizing the menstruation. Most of the breast enlarging pills contain fennel.
• Soy or soya bean that is also called Glycine soja is rich source vegetarian protein. Consume this for better result.
• One must incorporate a slice of papaya every day in the diet as it is rich in cancer fighting lycopene. Also some studies have found that it halts breast cancer. Also eating papaya after a meal helps in digestion, and prevents bloating, gas production, and indigestion.
• Tricticum vulgare is a popular wheat germ oil that regulates blood supply to the breast making it more fuller in appearance. Tricticum vulagre also helps in having the soft and supple skin around the breast.
Exercises for Natural Breast Enlargement
Some special chest exercises can help you to increase the size of the breasts. With exercise there is not change in the fat of the breast from which these are made but with exercise the pectoral muscles that hold the breast can improve.
Reduce Weight by Natural Ways
The chief cause of obesity or overweight is often overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating such as improper mixing of food items in one meal.
In ayurveda, Charak Samhita describes eight different types of bodies that are disease prone. Out of these, the obese body is described as the one afflicted with the most diseases and troubles. Obesity is the condition or physical state of the body when excessive deposition of fat takes place in the adipose tissue.
Extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and ankles and thus, overweight people are susceptible to several diseases like coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders.
• Controlling eating habits.
• Regular exercise.
• Avoiding the causes of weight gain
Diet recommended to lose weight
Early morning :Juice of half a lemon mixed in a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of honey.
Breakfast :Wheat or Mung bean sprouts and a cup of skimmed milk.
Midmorning : glass of orange, pineapple or carrot juice.
• Salad of raw vegetables such as carrot, beet, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes. Steamed or boiled vegetables
• Whole grain bread or whole wheat chapatis (Indian bread) and a glass of buttermilk.
• Roasted cumin seeds, green coriander leaves, a little salt and some grated ginger mixed in the buttermilk.
• Coconut water
• Dry fruits
• Lemon tea
• Fresh vegetable soup
• Whole grain bread or chapatis
• Steamed vegetables
• Seasonal fruits except banana and apple.
Home Remedies for Losing Weight
• Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.
• Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.
• Milk products like cheese, butter etc. and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as they are rich in fat.
• Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. A chutney of green mint with some simple spices can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps.
• Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.
• Regular intake of carrot juice.
• Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is good.
• Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful in loosing weight.
• Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.
Dosage: One should start with small quantity of about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added.
Fasting on honey and lime- juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. For this, mix one teaspoon of fresh honey with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water.
Dosage: Take several times a day at regular intervals.
• Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.
• Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat.
• Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming or rowing.
• The gum of Commiphora Mukul called 'guggulu' is the drug of choice for the treatment of obesity.
Preparation of Home Remedies
According to ayurveda home remedies are prepared in the same way and with the same purpose as other ayurvedic medicines. The main aim is to obtain the maximum therapeutic benefit while making it palatable.
Some common methods of preparing home remedies are:
• Juice
The juice may be taken from the fresh leaves, flowers or stems of the herb. The part of the herb used should be crushed or ground in a mortar and pestle, to make a paste. This paste should be put in a piece of cloth and squeezed to take out the juice.
Dosage: One to two tablespoons twice a day.
• Powder
Dried herbs are used for powders. The herbs are usually dried in a cool, shady and well-ventilated place, although some herbs are dried in direct sunlight. The herbs are then ground into a fine powder and stored in a dry, airtight bottle. The powder may be taken with water, or if specified, with milk or honey.
Dosage: Half to one teaspoon twice a day
• Decoction
A decoction is prepared by boiling the herb in water (ratio: 1 part herb to 16 parts water). The herbs are broken into pieces and soaked in water overnight. This mixture is then boiled until it reduces to one quarter of the original volume. It is then filtered and stored in a glass bottle.
Dosage: One to two tablespoons twice a day.
• Infusion
Herbs are soaked in water to make an infusion (ratio: 1 part herb to 8 parts water). Hot infusions result from adding herbs to hot water, or gently heating but not boiling the mixture. This is strained and taken internally. Herbal teas are forms of hot infusions. Cold infusions are made from soaking the herb overnight. Honey can be added.
Dosage: half to one cup once or twice day.
• Paste
A paste can be made from either fresh or dried herbs. The flowers, roots, stems, leaves or bark are ground and mixed with water. Pastes are mainly used for external application, in cases of cuts, burns and swellings. The paste should be thick enough to be applied in a layer to the skin.
• Tablets
The herbs should be first dried separately and then mixed together in a powder form, in fixed proportions. Water or herbal juice can be added to this powder to make a paste, from which tablets of a specific size or weight are made. Tablets remain potent longer than juices, powders, pastes or decoctions.
Dosage: 1 or 2 tablets twice a day.
• Medicated ghee and oil
Ghee is cooked with herbal juices, decoctions or pastes. The ghee should be heated with the herbal mixture at a moderate, controlled temperature. High temperatures can easily burn the ghee or oil, destroying its effectiveness. Medicated ghee and oils are either used internally or massaged externally.
Dosage: Half to one tablespoon.
Treatment for Anti Aging
Massage face with clarified butter (ghee), almond oil or coconut oil before going to bed. An oil massage is the best remedy for dry skin. Almond and coconut oil are best Ayurvedic remedies for aging skin as they improve complexions, reduce fine lines and wrinkles apart from curing crow's feet. For better absorption, anti-aging oil massages should be done at night.
• Ghee or clarified butter contains vitamin E, beta-carotene, and antioxidants that prevent cell damage and fight free radicals. Rub ghee all over your body to get it absorbed in the skin. The best way to get benefits of ghee is to include it in your daily diet. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of ghee while cooking vegetables, dals etc.
• Apply fresh Aloe Vera juice to the skin. If you can't get fresh aloe vera, get aloe vera gel from health care shops.
• There are many benefits of honey, one being its anti aging property. Take 1/2 tablespoon of honey and mix it with 1-2 tablespoon of rose water. Apply this mixture on face, neck, and other dry skin area. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes. Now wash it off with tepid water. Honey moisturizes and soothes dry skin. This mixture will clean your skin and tone it to give you a glowing complexion with wrinkle free skin.
• Take one teaspoon each of egg yolk and honey, and 1-2 teaspoon milk powder. Mix them well to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on face, neck and other dry skin area. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cold water.
• Mix one egg yolk, 1 teaspoon each of honey, olive oil and vitamin E oil to make an anti aging lotion to be used as moisturizing facial mask. Apply it to face and other areas and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.
• Avoid too much of sun exposure as it is one of the main causes of wrinkles. Use umbrella, scarves or any other protective cover when going out in sun.
• Quit smoking Cigarette smoke ages skin by releasing an enzyme that breaks down elastin and collagen- vital components of skin.
• Get adequate sleep. Sleeping position is also important. Try to sleep on your back, as it prevents wrinkle formation. Sleeping on sides may cause wrinkles on chin and cheek and sleeping with face-down will result in furrowed brow.
• Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They have anti-oxidants that help fight damage caused by free radicals. They keep skin younger and radiant.
• Drink lots of water during the day to provide optimum supply of moisture to the skin.
• Do not over-wash your face. Washing face too often removes skin off its natural barrier oils and moisture that protect against wrinkles.
• Basil herb or Ocimum Sanctum (tulsi) has effective anti-aging and anti-oxidant properties. Follow the traditional Ayurvedic method of boiling fresh tulsi leaves and water until the water reduces to half. Then drink the resulting water. The other ayurvedic way of having basil leaves is to eat the crushed herb when it cools.
• Switch to green tea. Green tea has anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, and healing effects on skin which helps in skin rejuvenation.
Hair Care Tips
Regularly cleaning and brushing the hair is very important. When the hairs are brushed, oil-producing glands in the scalp get stimulated. This natural oil makes the hair glossy and healthy. To give extra shine to the hair, after washing rinse the hair with some lemon juice mixed in a cup of warm water.
Some common Hair Problems:
Dry skin flaking off the scalp and itchiness is referred to as dandruff. The aggravation of Vata generally causes this dryness.
Home Remedies for Dandruff
• Add 1 teaspoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut or neem oil. Store it in glass container. Dosage: Massage this oil into the scalp before bed.
• Mix 1 teaspoon of castor, mustard and coconut oil each and massage into the scalp.
• Mix one part of lemon juice with two parts of coconut oil. Massage into the roots of the hair regularly.
Dosage: Wash with warm water after three to four hours or leave overnight.
Hair Loss / Balding
when the amount of hair lost grows higher than the normal hair fall that takes place due to the change in environment, increasing age or growth of new hairs, it is referred to as hair loss problem that needs special care. Improper or poor diet, exposure to a lot of chemicals or cosmetics, hormonal imbalance, stress, anxiety and mental tension are some causes of hair loss.
Home Remedies For Hair Loss
• Massage the scalp gently with coconut or almond oil daily for 10 to 15 minutes.
• Boil neem leaves in water. Cool, strain and rinse hair with it.
• Increase green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts in the diet. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soya beans, whole grains and nuts.
Premature Graying of Hair
Graying of hair is a natural process that happens with increasing age, but if the hair starts graying before the age of 35, it is termed as premature graying that occurs due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha. Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour, and acidic foods increases pitta and leads to graying prematurely.
Home Remedies for Premature Graying of Hairs
• Apply a paste made from 2-Tsp. henna powder, 1-tsp. curd, 1-tsp. fenugreek seed powder, 1 tbsp. coffee, 2-tbsp. mint juice and 2-tbsp. basil juice. Apply this paste to the hair for two hours. For a darker color, leave this paste in for 3 to 4 hours. Wash hair with any natural shampoo.
• Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 tea spoon everyday.
Itchy Scalp
Aggravation of Pitta dosha, stress, allergic reaction to shampoo, air conditioning, pollution and central heating lead to an itchy and red scalp, with tiny pimples or sores, dull and dry hair.
Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp
• Add 1 teaspoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut oil and store it in glass container.
Dosage: Massage this oil into the scalp before bed.
Grind some jasmine roots with lime juice. Wash the hair and scalp with it. The causes for these hair conditions are as follows:
• Excess of Pitta dosha in the body is the chief cause of hair problems.
• Excessive intake of tea, coffee, alcohol, meats and excessive smoking.
• Eating too much fried, oily, greasy, spicy, sour and acidic foods.
• Intake of too many chemical medicines, low blood circulation, anemia, general weakness after disease, stress, anxiety and mental tension.
• Chronic diseases like typhoid fever, presence of dandruff or lice and hormonal imbalance.
Hair Treatment
• Use natural shampoo or soap to clean the hair.
• Use amla (embilica officinalis), Shikakai (Acacia concinna) for washing the hair.
• Enhance oiling and massaging of scalp.
• Use coconut oil or mustard oil at least three times in a week.
• Use medicated oils like 'Mahabhringraj oil', 'Amala oil' and 'Arnica oil'. Put oil on the scalp and massage gently in the roots of the hair.
• Maintain a regular bowel movement everyday.
• The diet should contain more green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soybean and vitamin A.
• Do regular physical exercise.
• A special Ayurvedic preparation made from Bhringraj (Eclipta elba), Amala, corals, iron and black sesame seeds is very useful and even stops the graying of hair.
• Rub the scalp vigorously after washing the hair. It increases the blood circulation, and activates the sebaceous glands.
• A mixture of lettuce and spinach juice is good to drink to induce hair growth. The juice of alfalfa mixed with that of carrot, and lettuce juice is also good to take.
• Daily application of coconut oil mixed with lime- juice on the hair is also beneficial. Applying juice of green coriander leaves on the head is also good.
• Washing the hair with a paste of cooked Urad dal (black beans) and fenugreek (methi) 2-3 times a week.
• A paste of licorice made by grinding it in milk can be applied in the bald patches. It induces hair growth. A paste of seeds of lemon and black pepper may also be applied on the bald patches.
Ayurvedic Tips For Normal Delivery
As per ayurveda different food habits and treatments are required every month for a normal delivery. According to ayurveda there are nine varied groups of medicines and herbs for each month.
High blood pressure is the most common of all these issues. Along with this diabetes, vomiting, hyperacidity, premature birth etc can also be seen. The effect vary from person to person. These problems can be treated with ayurveda.
• Walking is the best of all for a normal delivery. You should start walking as soon as you feel the first sign of labor. Doctors even recommend walking through out the labour pain.
• From seven months onwards you can take the milk with garlic paste. For this boil the garlic paste in milk and consume it.
• From nine months onwards for normal delivery take the drink made from roasted anise seed and water. To make this drink boil roasted anise seed in water and drink it.
• Have pomegranate juice daily as it ameliorates the blood cells of both baby and mother. With this juice your baby will also have the fair complexion.
• Take warm water bath before going to bed. This will relax your body from all kinds of stress and strains.
• On the commencement of delivery pains eat a spoon full of honey. Also make the paste of honey and black cumin powder and spread it over your stomach for normal deliver as per ayurveda.
• For good lactation after delivery take fenugreek - 1/4 tablespoon, 1/2 cup raw rice, 5 garlic pieces. Steam all the ingredients well and smash it. Consume it with enough water. This should be done 7th month onwards
* Any ayurveda tip for normal delivery must be done after due consultation with your doctor or ayurvedic specialist.
Some Herbs and Other Ayurvedic Tips for Normal Delivery
• Harmone such as oxytocin and prostaglandins stimulate labor. Rubbing your nipples at the commencement of labour increases oxytocin that causes the uterus to contract. Also with this harmone intensity of the contractions increases. But you must consult your doctor before this as it affects very quickly.
• Prostaglandins harmone comes from the male semen. So if the intercourse is done at the time of labor then the intensity of labor will increase but doctors do not recommend this quiet often.
• Evening primrose oil (ayurveda herb) contains prostaglandins. Use of this oil will cause the cervix to ripen more easily and quickly.
• Also you can use the false unicorn root and red raspberry leaf in order to ripen the cervix.
But before using any herb and adopting method of ayurvedic for normal delivery consult your doctor.
There are also many herbs that are known to be effective in naturally inducing labor. Evening primrose oil contains prostaglandins and hence is effective in helping the cervix to ripen. False unicorn root, blue and black cohosh and red raspberry leaf are also well known herbs that are used in this regard. Again, you need to consult your doctor before using any of these herbs.
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